PowerCLI: Get all powered-on Ubuntu VMs, and their IP addresses
PasswordState - Check-in a password from the database backend
MS AD DS - CVE-2020-1472 Remediation Automation
PowerShell: Automate 'WinRM over HTTPS' configuration with Self-signed certificates
DIY Request Tampering Prevention in APIs
Dell XPS 13 7390 - WiFi drivers on Fedora
Google Calendar API - Fetching Group calendars
PowerShell: List all IP addresses within AD DNS that match a specific subnet
EMC Isilon Viewing Audit Logs
Late 2015 Macbook Pro 12,1 + Fedora: Getting the Webcam to work (and automating the process after Kernel upgrades)
Stubbing controller methods with Capybara & Rspec
Useful Docker Commands
Debugging unresponsive Ruby Applications with gdb
Building affordable Self-service Kiosks with Raspberry Pi